Skyline High School

Skyline Class Of 1973 Website
This is the official website for our Class. To join (it's free!), click 'Classmate Profiles' at left and locate your name. It only takes a few minutes to update your profile. If your name is not on the list then hit the 'Contact us' link and let us know and we will add your name. It's a two-step process: 1) you'll need to join first before you can 2) see profiles of other class members or send secure messages to other registered alumni.
'Classmate Profiles' is a secure online directory that only logged-in '73 alumni can view. When you update your profile, you make choices about privacy. Email addresses are required but will never be displayed; only a 'send private message' link. You'll receive a welcome email after you 'save' your updated profile.
Skyline High School, Class of 1973 Website--
Our website was created to connect with old friends and classmates, reminisce on our time together in high school, locate missing classmates, celebrate where life has taken us, and mourn together those we have lost.
As our goal is to uplift and share openly, the following guidelines will now be put into place on this website and monitored by a new six person Website Committee.
Basic Guidelines for Posting:
- Please No Political Posts- While we all have opinions and ideologies, and want to be heard, this is not the forum for those posts. The option to send a private message to another classmate is always available if you wish to share your thoughts on politics.
- Please No Religious Posts- You may state you went off on a religious quest, journey, mission, etc., but do not expound upon your religious views thereafter in the public forum.
- Definitely No Bullying, Name Calling or Threats- Our goal is to have all classmates feel welcome and comfortable to post on this site.
- Please No Advertising- You may refer to a company that impressed you, or where you are employed, but please no ads, and rates, etc.
- Think Before You Post- We want everyone to feel comfortable to visit and post here. Whether it’s a photo or a comment, be mindful of other’s sensibilities.
Please feel free to contact The Skyline Website Committee with any concerns or comments regarding these guidelines or content posted.
Your Skyline Website Committee: